In Health we have been learning about service and therapy animals. We have learned about the conditions service animals serve and the different animals in different countries, how they can prevent bad things from happening like head injuries, falling over and signaling to their owner when they are about to have a seizure or whatever condition they have.
A service animal is an animal that is trained to work or perform tasks for people who have a condition or a disability that can be serious.
A therapy animal is an animal that gets trained to comfort and provide affection for people who can get stressed easily in a closed space, a lot of people around and if it is loud.
The difference between the service and therapy animals is a service animal is trained to sense if something is going wrong with their handler by maybe tapping their leg, barking or jumping up on them. A therapy animal comforts their handler if they are feeling stressed or nervous and can make them feel better with lots of cuddles and reassurance.
The similarities between service and therapy animals are they are both very well trained friendly animals and they both help people when they need it and get the same amount of attention.
There are many conditions that are eligible for a therapy or a service animal in NZ such as depression, heart conditions, elepisy, fainting problems, seizures, autism and alot more. Some conditions are that you are not allowed to have a service dog in nz.
The laws around animal therapy are that they can go to most places that a human can go, like all stores, public services and public transportation. The only places they can’t go are some areas in zoos and some hospital departments like burn units or ICUs.
A service or therapy animal supports or enhances all 4 dimensions of hauora for the individual by being there for the person and making sure all 4 hauora is good.
Taha hinengaro – A therapy animal can help with this by making them feel comfortable and less nervous when they are feeling like they are stressed.
Taha wairua – When you have a therapy or a service animal, you make a relationship with them and they help reduce loneliness, increase feelings of social support and help boost your mood
Taha tinana – a therapy or a service animal can help with your physical wellbeing by being there when you need help if you are having a medical problem and they can be there to support you and get your medication for you if you are unable to get it yourself.
A service or therapy animal supports the hauora of
Taha whanau – A therapy or a service animal can help you with support and making sure you have everything you need for your mental health and when you are feeling down they can help cheer you up with their cuddles.
A service or therapy animal supports the hauora of all four dimensions.
The 4 most interesting/or new things that I have learned during this unit of work are, the difference service/therapy animals can have on people who really need them like for instance people with depression or a medical problem like fainting or seizures. Another interesting thing I have learnt is the movie Gigi and Nate is based on a true story and we learn about how the monkey got taken away and Nate fought for her but didn’t get her back fortunately they could take her and live in another county where it is legial. My favourite one was the service dogs coming in and we got to pat them and learn about what they do and how long they had to train for. My last new thing that i have learnt is service animals in different countries, we learnt that the service animals are very different in different countries the animals that they have are like peacocks and rabbits and lots more animals.
I found these points interesting because I like learning about the different animals that can help people and can change peoples lives in a good way. I find it interesting because when I am older I want to help people in the medical field.