Health assessment – Service animals

In Health we have been learning about service and therapy animals. We have learned about the conditions service animals serve and the different animals in different countries, how they can prevent bad things from happening like head injuries, falling over and signaling to their owner when they are about to have a seizure or whatever condition they have. 


Gigi and Nate

Health conditions

How can service dogs help?


A service animal is an animal that is trained to work or perform tasks for people who have a condition or a disability that can be serious.

A therapy animal is an animal that gets trained to comfort and provide affection for people who can get stressed easily in a closed space, a lot of people around and if it is loud.

The difference between the service and therapy animals is a service animal is trained to  sense if something is going wrong with their handler by maybe tapping their leg, barking or jumping up on them. A therapy animal comforts their handler if they are feeling stressed or nervous and can make them feel better with lots of cuddles and reassurance.

The similarities between service and therapy animals are they are both very well trained friendly animals and they both help people when they need it and get the same amount of attention.


There are many conditions that are eligible for a therapy or a service animal in NZ such as depression, heart conditions, elepisy, fainting problems, seizures, autism and alot more. Some conditions are that you are not allowed to have a service dog in nz. 

The laws around animal therapy are that they can go to most places that a human can go, like all stores, public services and public transportation. The only places they can’t go are some areas in zoos and some hospital departments like burn units or ICUs.


A service or therapy animal supports or enhances all 4 dimensions of hauora for the individual by being there for the person and making sure all 4 hauora is good. 


Taha hinengaro – A therapy animal can help with this by making them feel comfortable and less nervous when they are feeling like they are stressed. 


Taha wairua – When you have a therapy or a service animal, you make a relationship with them and they help reduce loneliness, increase feelings of social support and help boost your mood


Taha tinana – a therapy or a service animal can help with your physical wellbeing by being there when you need help if you are having a medical problem and they can be there to support you and get your medication for you if you are unable to get it yourself.

A service or therapy animal supports the hauora of 


Taha whanau – A therapy or a service animal can help you with support and making sure you have everything you need for your mental health and when you are feeling down they can help cheer you up with their cuddles.


A service or therapy animal supports the hauora of all four dimensions.


The 4 most interesting/or new things that I have learned during this unit of work are, the difference service/therapy animals can have on people who really need them like for instance people with depression or a medical problem like fainting or seizures. Another interesting thing I have learnt is the movie Gigi and Nate is based on a true story and we learn about how the monkey got taken away and Nate fought for her but didn’t get her back fortunately they could take her and live in another county where it is legial. My favourite one was the service dogs coming in and we got to pat them and learn about what they do and how long they had to train for. My last new thing that i have learnt is service animals in different countries, we learnt that the service animals are very different in different countries the animals that they have are like peacocks and rabbits and lots more animals.


I found these points interesting because I like learning about the different animals that can help people and can change peoples lives in a good way. I find it interesting because when I am older I want to help people in the medical field. 

Service animals

Lately in health we have been focusing on service animals and how they work and what they do. Last week we had two dogs come in and we got taught about them and we got to pat them. I think it is very interesting because they can help people and do regular daily tasks just like a human. Today in health we watched some videos then we did a google doc. I picked pro and I had to ask questions and then answer them. Here is my work. and some cute pictures of some service animals.


Health assessment

In health we have been studying death, dying and the afterlife. We have been learning about culture and religion and how people celebrate it. We have also been learning about the sicknesses back in the old days like the spanish flu, victoria era, black death and smallpox. We have learnt the ways to get over grief and how people feel when they grieve. 

My topic for this assessment is famous historical deaths; my famous person is Paul Walker. On November 30, 2013 the actor Paul Walker, who acted in the Fast & Furious movie series, died with his friend, Roger W who was at the wheel of a Porsche sports car that crashed and burned north of Los Angeles. Walker was 40 when this happened and he died during filming. His brother came in and helped complete the final movie for paul walker’s character. His friend was driving at 80 to 93 mph, the speed for the area they were driving in was about 40 mph. Both men died. 


There were a number of ways that I demonstrated respect towards other culture beliefs during this unit. I did this by listening to what people were saying about how they celebrate there culture and people passing away. I was showing respect to people when they were talking and asking questions.


It is important that I take care of all areas of my hauora when I experience change, loss, or grief so I don’t feel like that for a long period of time and I can take care of myself and not do anything bad for myself.


Here are the sites and the evidence i used 



I think this site has a lot of good information and true information because when i looked at 3-4 sites it had the same information from it. The information I got from this site is most of my information like when he died, how he died and who he was with.


Click here 

I think this information is good because it looks like it would be on the news. I got my information about paul walker and the facts about his crash on here. I think this site is trustworthy because the appearance looks professional. 


Death, dying and the afterlife

For Hāro- Pros


Question Sentence starters Evidence 
What is your culture? My culture is traditional european irish and english  Pictures of anything to do with your cultural customs around death and or passing away
What happens in your culture when someone passes away? When a person passes away in my culture we have a funeral and speak about the person everyone cries they get buried or cremated and then we put flowers 

(say what happens at the burial /funeral /tangi /


What are some important things that happen when a person passes away? A few important things about death in my culture are seeing them in a coffin and sometimes we draw on the coffin.if you want to wish someone who recently passed away the blessings of God, you can simply say Ar dheis De go raibh anam, english meaning is, may his/her soul be at God’s right hand 

(Talk about things such as processes/rules/customs)

What is something important we could learn about your culture when a person passed away? Something important that I want to share about my culture when a person passes away is, the body will be placed in front of a window so that passersby can see it and pay their respects.
What are 3 ways to help cope with losing someone? How will this help their hauora? The 3 ways to help get through losing an important person are to help each other with the death, talk about it with someone and to give each other lots of love

Football skills

Hello, im Bailee and this week in PE  we have been learning football skills with Mr Palmer. We have been asked to write a blog post about football and all the skills we have learnt, We have learnt how to kick the ball and dribbling the ball with our feet which I think is very hard. My chosen skill to focus on is dribbling the ball with my feet since I struggle with that. I demonstrated respect by sharing the ball around, have good sportsmanship and cheering my team on.

Why is it important that you develop resilience when we experience success or failure? well i think because if you fail it teaches you new things like what not to do, and it helps you too keep trying when things get tricky. Failure will help you grow better at the sport.



Hello readers, my name is Bailee and today my class and I went to the library and its called matariki. I went with my favourite teacher, Mr Rea. we had a person who showed us his name was Liam. Firstly he showed us the studio which i think  was very cool, In the studio there was a piano, a microphone, computers and more! After that he took us to the creative space, i liked the creative space there was computers and there was a really cool printer.


Lastly we got to have free time in the other end of the library and got to look around and play with toys. that was my favourite bit because i got to do what i want while being respectful of the other people and the belongings of the library .

Marshmallow Game

Questions Sentence starters to help you answer the questions Evidence 
What is Te Whare Tapa Whā? There are 5 areas of hauora.

The 5 areas of hauora are taha tinana, taha wairua, taha whanu, whenua, taha hingaro.

Te Whare Tapa is Māori concept about 

The 4 walls of a whare te whare tapa wha

Picture of your tower

Introduce today’s activity Today in Health we played….The marshmallow game.

The rules of the game were who can make the biggest tower with skewers and marshmallows but it had to be stable

The best part of the game was eating the marshmallows after  

Discuss how your hauora was impacted by participating in today’s activity  My hauora was positively affected during the game, emotional because it was fun so it made me happy. This had a positive impact on my hauora because it was a fun game and I liked it.

My hauora was negatively impacted when we lost This had a positive impact on my hauora because people cheated 

For excellence- discuss how all areas of hauora (where relevant) were affected by today’s task.

What can you improve on when participating in a game with others? What I could improve on putting more work into it 

This will have a positive impact on my hauora because i had marshmallows



Blog title- Hauora


Questions What to do Evidence 
What are the 5 areas of hauora? The 5 areas of hauora are:

1. Te Taha Hinengro 

2.Te Taha Wairua 

3.Te Taha Tinana

4.Te Taha Whanau

5 Whenua 

Add a picture that shows the 5 areas of hauora

Introduce today’s activity Today in Health we played….

White board game

The rules of the game were…..

write the answer of the question and hold your white board up

The best part of the game was……

nothing I came last

How was your taha whānau (social) and taha hinengaro (mental and emotional)  affected when you played the game today? My taha whānau was affected today when……Eg I worked well with others by…..

My taha hinengaro was affected when…. Eg I got really frustrated when

What can you improve on when participating in a game with others? What I could improve on is….

This will have a positive impact on my hauora because……


The features by which material can be identified are called properties


Materials which always have the same properties are called pure substance


Materials which are made up of different substances are called mixtres

suger water

acidg y8udf givydfbvhfdbvhdfbo4 26-67hcbxbcfsydhgg weycinohjj

vit c



when you stir sugar into water it seems to dissapear. We say it has dissolved into the water. Sugar and water have mixed to form a solution coffee and water also form a solution. when you dissolve coffee into hot water the substance that dissolves (thge coffee) is called Solute. The substance that does the dissolving (the hot water) is called the solvent.




E-asTTle Writing

Hello guys. Last week we did a E-asTTle writing assessment. I wasn’t here on monday last week, so i had to  We did it in the subject writing period 3/4. I though it was tricky and i think i struggled a little bit. We had to write a orientation, problem and solution. Im going to copy and paste.



“Woosh woosh woosh” It was extremely windy outside. I could hear the raindrops tapping against the roof as I lay in my bed alone. We had just moved houses, My family hadn’t finished decorating the house yet. There were still big boxes with all my belongings in it. I just got a new bed, it was amazing it felt like I was lying on clouds. I didn’t feel comfortable in this house, I knew something was off. My room felt icy, my bed was covered by many blankets, I could feel the weight pushing me down. 


As I layed silently I heard tapping; I think it was coming from my wardrobe. I pulled all of my heavy blankets off me and walked over to the Closet. I had an eerie feeling. Quietly I opened my closet and walked in. There was nothing there as I stood silently in the dark closet. I was beginning to worry. The tapping kept getting louder and louder. “Watch your back Bailee” whispered an unknown voice. I felt the hairs on my arms stick up, the feeling of my sweat dripping down on my forehead, I was breathing heavily.“AHHH!” I screamed whilst crying my eyes out in fear. There was stomping on the stairs, my parents rushed in and came and comforted me before asking what was wrong. “Mum, Dad there’s something in my closet It talked to me” I said while I was panicking. “ You’re having another nightmare,” replied Dad. He told me to go back to sleep. 


The next night, I was laying in my bed petrified, with the closet still tapping, I heard a defining scream from down stairs. I Sprinted to my parents bedroom and my mum heard the same noises, I turned around and saw a dark figure standing just outside the bathroom. I froze, and didn’t know what to do. My dad quickly ran to the phone that was connected to the wall and rang up the paranormal investigators praying that they would answer. My Dad spoke to the lady on the phone and said they are coming to help. Me and mum were crying and dad was saying it would be alright. “Knock, Knock” coming from the door, We jumped and sprinted to the front door of the house. I could see the fear on mum’s face. The lady said she can help. We left the house whilst they did a big clean out.